Friday, November 18, 2011

Timely Info on Keeping Your Kids Safe

As I was preparing to type up this blog post, a memo about yet another attempted child luring, this time in nearby Whitpain, hit my Inbox. If you read nothing else on ever, please read this post...

My kids and I had the opportunity to attend the free "Adventures in Safety" program offered at Action Karate of North Wales last week. (Did we see you there? It was on the calendar!)

The fun and undeniably worthwhile program included a 16-minute video followed by a role-play demonstration in which children in the audience could practice their new knowledge in imaginary situations presented by the instructors. The film used wizards and warriors (hello Harry Potter fans!) to demonstrate the dangers of ten different types of "bad guy" wizards (see list below) in a way that held the interest of the young crowd and, in my own family's experience, led to some one of the best conversations and series of really good questions from my children on the ride home!

I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to take part in this free class and, even more so, for the dialogue with my kids that followed. We all intend to remind our children regularly about "stranger danger", but sometimes, until someone offers up a set date and time for a class, we put these things off. Our intentions are the best, but sometimes it just takes a nudge to get things going. I can still remember a few years back, after another story of an attempted child luring hit the news, I asked my then four-year-old, "What do you do if a car drives up and someone inside it says they have candy for you?" It had been a few months since we had discussed it last.  The response was "Candy?!?!?!?!" with an elated grin. Not good! Kids need frequent reminders and that sure showed me!

We don't need to look far to find countless reminders of the evils that await children who are in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nor can we necessarily prevent every potential harm. But, we can do something to help equip our children, no matter how small, should the need ever arise.

So, you missed the seminar last week. Are you out of luck? No! Talk to your kids today. Right now (or when they get home from school.) Don't put it off for another minute. This is your nudge!

Looking for a recommendation of a helpful video, too? Try this one created by John Walsh and Julie Clark. (You don't have to use that link; you may find it cheaper elsewhere.)

Lastly, if you are looking for that list of warriors, here it is. Oh, and if another seminar like this is offered again, you can be sure it will be posted to our calendar!


  1. The Gift Giver
We should never accept a gift from a grown up without our parents permission. The gift giver tries to trick a child into thinking he or she is nice by offering free gifts. If a grown up offers you a gift go tell your mom or dad immediately.

  1. Friendly:
The friendly “evil warrior” gives you lots of attention. He will try to play with you if you are alone. We should never play with a grown up that we do not know or without our parents permission.

  1. The Game Player:
The game player tricks us to believe that we will get a prize for playing a game with us. He or she will gain our trust and then try to touch us in places that are private. We never let anyone touch us in a place that makes us feel uncomfortable. No one is allowed to touch you where you wear your bathing suit.

  1. Helpless:
The helpless evil warrior pretends to need help from you. Adults should never ask a child for help, they must go to another adult for help. Even if it’s something important like helping them find their lost puppy, because it’s just a trick.

  1. Leader:
The leader represents a person of authority like a police officer, or a teacher, or principal at your school.  Never go away with any grown up with out your mom and dads permission.

  1. Messenger:
The messenger is a liar. He or she will tell you that your mom or dad were in an accident and they asked him to pick you up. Never go anywhere without your mom and dads permission.

  1. Magician:
The magician doesn’t really know magic. He tricks you by figuring out your name. Maybe it is on your back pack, school bag or lunch box.  Never go anywhere with anyone without your parents permission.

  1. Promiser:
Don’t be fooled by a grown up that says he promises not to hurt you. Don’t ever go anywhere with anyone without your mom and dads permission.

  1. Cool: 
    Who is really cool?  A rock star, a cartoon hero.  Never be tricked into going away with someone just because you think they are cool.  Never to anywhere with anyone without your mom and dads permission.
  2. Scary:

    The scary evil warrior waits for children to take a short cut or wander away and finds an opportunity to just grab the child and take them.  Make sure that parents know where you are at all times.  Scream loud if you are taken by the scary evil warrior, all evil warriors hate attention so scream as loud as you can “I don’t know you!”

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