Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New Charter School Proposed for NPSD - Info Meeting Tonight!

Two local teachers, Naomi Rodriguez and Kim Siar, seek to create a new charter school for the North Penn School District. The school, which will require approval by the NPSD school board, will offer tuition-free education to children in grades K through 5 and will also include an on-site preschool and daycare (which will require tuition).

This effort is not associated with Montgomery Flex, the charter school that applied to the school board last year, though Ms. Rodriguez says "We have heard a lot about them since starting this project!"

The team will have to apply to the school board by November 15th in order to open in August 2013. After submitting their application, which they hope to do within the next few weeks, a hearing will be held by the school board to determine whether they will approve or deny the application.

Ms. Rodruigez shared that "In order for the school board to approve our charter application we need to show that parents and community members want to have the choice to go to our school. We have had a pleasantly surprising response from community members and even our own current and past administrators already. We have been working hard in our own districts and seeing the results. So when we started talking about the idea, things just started coming together on their own. It is truly amazing! We are taking a huge leap together, as we are still both teaching, to create the ideal space for children to learn - one we would want for our own kids (in fact, two of my children will be attending our school-my third will be in middle school with Kim's daughter)."

You can learn all about the eNG philosophy and the courses to be offered at their website,

"Right now we are just getting the word out so that parents who share our vision and philosophy know we are here. We need pre-enrollments to show the school board that children will want to come to our school (it's obligation free)" says Rodruigez. "We have some more public meetings coming up. We will be at the Lansdale Library at 7:30pm on September 26 and Oct. 4 and at the North Wales Library at 7:30pm on Oct. 4."