Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"So, How Long Can They Play Outside?"

Your kids are home from school today because of the snow and they can't wait to get out there and go wild in the white stuff. Your toddler looks longingly at the big kids outside, but, you wonder, "How long can a young child really play outside in the cold safely?" This is a question I had myself, until the wonderful folks at Parenting magazine recently drew my attention to the awesome, color-coded Child Care Weather Watch website.

To add further detail to the chart, Parenting adds, "Kids can usually play outside comfortably when it's 30°F and higher - just layer their clothing and make sure they wear hats and mittens. Offer water often (it helps regulate body temperature), and watch for signs that they're getting chilled. If they're shivering, bring them inside even if they insist they're fine. Feel babies' hands and (if possible) feet regularly to see if they're turning icy; also watch for unexplained fussiness. It's a good idea to come inside for a quick break every 40 minutes or so, just to warm up a bit." If temperatures drop into the "Yellow Zone" (see chart), breaks every 20 to 30 minutes are necessary. Finally, "It's especially crucial to layer older kids' clothes, since they may ditch their coats if they get sweaty and so need to be wearing more than a thin shirt underneath."

But, if you're ready for some indoor fun instead, just head to the Y!

Happy Snow Day, North Penn! :-)

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