Friday, December 21, 2012

Santa's Coming to Jumpin' Jack's!

Hey Moms and Dads! Looking for some great holiday fun for the family this weekend?

Bring the kids to Jumpin' Jack's for a chance to unleash their holiday sillies and...enjoy a special visit with Santa Claus! The big guy will make an appearance on both Saturday and Sunday, so hop on over for some great family fun!

For more information or to check out their extended holiday hours, visit Jumpin' Jack's website or check them out on Facebook!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Let's Save Halloween

It has been a tough week for North Penn area kids, their parents, and their neighbors. To be sure, we were spared the worst of Superstorm Sandy's wrath. Yet, there are families in our community right now without heat and electricity and many of our streets and parks are unsafe due to fallen trees and power lines. Some of our schools will be cancelling the planned Halloween parties and parades for this year. With several of our local schools still without power at this time, it is likely that more cancellations will occur.

I don't envy the borough and township supervisors who are being asked for answers and decisions regarding whether to postpone trick-or-treating tonight. Nor the school officials who are faced with similar decisions. Some neighborhoods in our area have been ravaged while others look just as they did on Sunday.

Most of our local boroughs and townships have refrained from making a call about tonight's festivities. Others have suggested proceeding with great caution. One has requested that families wait until Saturday night to trick-or-treat, though rumors suggest not all residents will follow that advice. It is a bit confusing and it has kept me and the local news outlets pretty busy today as we try to stay on top of the latest declarations.

But, I have a suggestion... If we can all agree as a community, for the sake of our children, to answer the door with a smile and a piece of candy or other treat, whether it be tonight or Saturday night, I believe we will have saved Halloween.

As adults, it is easy to forget how fun it once was to dress up and traipse around the neighborhood in the dark in hot pursuit of delicious candy (often on a school night, woo woo!). Let's do our part, regardless of whether we agree with their parents' decision to let them go out tonight or Saturday night, and help make this a Halloween to remember - for how fun it was. Its as simple a treat and a smile. :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

School Readiness Program Expands to North Penn

The Parent-Child Home Program (PCHP), an evidence-based school readiness program that has been in existence for nearly 50 years and is administered locally by Friendship House, is expanding into the North Penn and Souderton areas! This in-home visitation program is for families who are struggling with some factor which places them at risk, such as low-income, low level of education, teen parents, single parent, and/or a developmental delay of the child. Counselors work with the parent/caregiver to show them how to encourage their toddler's development and prepare him/her to be successful in school, thus increasing rates of graduation for participants. In addition to the many educational and developmental benefits that result from participating in the program, families are allowed to keep the new toys or books that are given to the child during the sessions, as well. 

More information about the PCHP program can be found on the Friendship House website. General information about the Parent-Child Home Program, which is available at various locations across the country and internationally, can also be found at

Interested families may contact Julie Berry, Coordinator, and Stacy Dori, Regional Director at 610-327-2200). The year-long program begins this month, so interested families should call as soon as possible!

Friday, October 12, 2012

When Was Your Last "Great Date Night"?

When Was Your Last "Great Date Night"?

Can you remember?... Or have you, like many parents, put your love life on the back burner? Do you have any fun plans for this weekend? How about next?

If you haven't carved out a night for Mom and Dad in a while, here's a great reason to do so next Friday night...

Singer, songwriter and humorist Mark Cable will be in town next Friday night, October 19th at 7:00PM at Christ United Methodist Church in Lansdale. Mark is an accomplished guitarist and singer whose everyday-life songs and off-the-wall sense of humor have stirred audiences across the U.S. to laugh, to cry, and to think about the things in life that matter most. He's released 17 CD's and been touring full-time for over 25 years.

Tickets are just $20 per couple and can be purchased at the door or in advance from Nathan Snyder (215.527.5075) who, himself, is a local parent of two young children. All attendees are asked to bring along a share-able dessert to contribute to the dessert buffet.

Learn more about Mark Cable and the "Great Date Night" at

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New Charter School Proposed for NPSD - Info Meeting Tonight!

Two local teachers, Naomi Rodriguez and Kim Siar, seek to create a new charter school for the North Penn School District. The school, which will require approval by the NPSD school board, will offer tuition-free education to children in grades K through 5 and will also include an on-site preschool and daycare (which will require tuition).

This effort is not associated with Montgomery Flex, the charter school that applied to the school board last year, though Ms. Rodriguez says "We have heard a lot about them since starting this project!"

The team will have to apply to the school board by November 15th in order to open in August 2013. After submitting their application, which they hope to do within the next few weeks, a hearing will be held by the school board to determine whether they will approve or deny the application.

Ms. Rodruigez shared that "In order for the school board to approve our charter application we need to show that parents and community members want to have the choice to go to our school. We have had a pleasantly surprising response from community members and even our own current and past administrators already. We have been working hard in our own districts and seeing the results. So when we started talking about the idea, things just started coming together on their own. It is truly amazing! We are taking a huge leap together, as we are still both teaching, to create the ideal space for children to learn - one we would want for our own kids (in fact, two of my children will be attending our school-my third will be in middle school with Kim's daughter)."

You can learn all about the eNG philosophy and the courses to be offered at their website,

"Right now we are just getting the word out so that parents who share our vision and philosophy know we are here. We need pre-enrollments to show the school board that children will want to come to our school (it's obligation free)" says Rodruigez. "We have some more public meetings coming up. We will be at the Lansdale Library at 7:30pm on September 26 and Oct. 4 and at the North Wales Library at 7:30pm on Oct. 4."

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Bus Anxiety? Have No Fear...K-Day is Here!

Yay! Its time for another "K-Day"! Not familiar with this fun NPSD tradition? Read on to decide whether this event is for you. 

My kids and I have attended K-Day in the past and we all enjoyed it. Not only was the movie interesting and, more importantly, very informative, but the ride around town was really fun, too. Our tour included a stop at the bus garage at NPHS and, as a parent, it was funny to hear the older siblings on our bus cry out "Oh look! Its one-thirty-nine!" or "Yay! Bus twenty-seven!" as if they were talking about old friends.

Here is what NPSD has to say about K-Day:

NPSD Transportation Department Holds K-Day Event for
Kindergarten and First Grade Students and their Families

For the 13th consecutive year, the North Penn School District (NPSD) Transportation Department is holding its annual K-Day event! More than 500 students are expected to participate in this wonderful program, which is designed to ease the anxiety that kindergarten and first grade students (and their parents) who have never ridden the bus before sometimes experience when they take that first ride on the big yellow bus.

Kindergarten and first grade students from surrounding non-public and private schools are also encouraged to attend. No reservations are necessary.

Participants will be invited to explore the bus and even sit in the driver's seat while NPSD bus drivers explain school bus facts and safety information. Then, if they wish, parents, students and their siblings will be invited to take a seat for a short ride around the neighborhood. The exciting day will wrap up with a safety video, safety education regarding the "danger zone" around the bus when loading and unloading and the distribution of information regarding bus tags, bus schedules, emergency phone numbers and day care locations.
This year’s program will take place on Thursday, August 9, Thursday, August 16 and Thursday, August 23. There are two bus departure times for each date - 9 and 11 a.m. Please practice being on time for your stop and be prompt. The event will once again be held at Walton Farm Elementary School, located at 1610 Allentown Road in Lansdale. (Editor's Note: If you've never been to Walton Farm, have no fear, you will see the buses right away and the entrance to the auditorium (for the movie) is easy to find, as well.)

Participation in K-Day is voluntary and does not preclude the safety training that occurs in all 13 of the district's elementary schools each fall.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Register Now: Free Young Writers Workshop

Looking for a fun way to learn how to write?

Chyten Educational Services of Blue Bell will be conducting a Writing Workshop at the Wissahickon Valley Public Library (Blue Bell branch). Designed for rising 4th to 6th grade students, this workshop will introduce young writers to poetry, persuasive writing, advertising and brochures, journals and personal stories.

Join us on select Tuesdays this summer from 11am to 12pm for a fun-filled experience at the writing workshop. Registration is required and class size is limited to 10. A different topic will be presented each week. Students may sign up for as few or as many weeks as they wish. For online registration, go to and click on Calendar or EventsThis workshop is FREE and expected to fill quickly so register now!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

NPUT Travels to... The Crayola Experience!

Beyond a simple name change, The Crayola Experience continues to evolve, offering new fun, creative, and engaging projects.

Recently, I took advantage of one of the LivingSocial deals I had posted on the NPUT website for half-off tickets to The Crayola Experience. Creative, indoor (air-conditioned!) fun sounded like just the thing we needed on a hot summer day yesterday and it proved to be every bit as fun as we hoped.

Getting There
We made the drive to the nice little town of Easton by way of 309-North and 78-East. My GPS had suggested taking 476-North to 22-East, but the scenery and road conditions on my alternate route proved well worth the few extra minutes. The drive was right around an hour door-to-door with minimal traffic and no roadwork to speak of.

Economical parking at the adjacent garage.
Parking couldn't have been easier. A reasonably-priced public parking garage is adjacent to the Crayola building and offers payment by cash (most hours) or credit/debit card which you can pay via machine or live person on your way out from the convenience of your car window. Oh, how I love anything drive-thru now that I have children! You can also sometimes find a spot on the street for 50-cents per hour, but only quarters, dimes and nickels are accepted.

Every area of the center was stroller and wheel-chair accessible including the parking garage and main entrance and an elevator offers access to all floors. Some stroller parking areas were seen throughout and a sizable coat room was available at the entrance where I noticed some families had stowed their cooler bags with pre-packed lunches.

Fun Awaits Inside
When you check in at Crayola, you'll receive three shiny silver tokens per child, a clear, handle goody bag for carrying your child's creations (love this improvement over the old paper bags!), and a small crayon box for collecting free crayons as you make your journey. I found it helpful to carry a backpack rather than a handbag that day to keep my hands free to help with projects and carry bags. We were also glad we heeded the advice on Crayola's website to wear play clothes as a couple of activities did leave my youngest with some flecks of paint and wax on her shirt. (A non-issue since we were prepared.)

The fun begins on the second floor of the center with a wide variety of creative crafting options, opportunities to redeem your tokens, and a demonstration room where you can see how crayons and markers are made. The twenty-minute, all-ages presentation offers plenty of visuals and even a freshly-made free marker and crayon for everyone. Be sure to note the showtimes for this educational and essential part of your visit. Its easy to become carried away with your crafting and lose track of time, but the presentation is very interesting!
Presentation on how crayons and markers are made.

Painting with melted wax.
Redeeming tokens for crayons.
Adjacent to the demonstration are easy-to-use automatic crayon and marker dispensers where your child can choose to redeem their tokens. Be sure to save at least one to redeem for Model Magic in the next room though! The second floor also included a neat area where kids can paint with melted wax and a large area for drawing with sidewalk chalk.

Sidewalk chalk doodling.
A ramp leads to another section on the second floor where many more activities and crafts are available. One of the favorites of my five and seven-year-old was an area where you can pose for a photo with one of your favorite characters. Choose between Spider-Man, Lightning McQueen, or Cinderella, pose, and in a few moments, you'll have not a photo, but a coloring page with you and your favorite character to color! What a fun use of technology!
Pose with your favorite character for a custom coloring page staring YOU!
Instructions for one of the guided crafts.
Painting paper for binoculars craft.
In the same room, a toddler play area offers something to keep little wigglers occupied while older siblings color or create a guided craft which changes frequently. Yesterday, the craft was a pair of animal print-patterned binoculars. The kids painted a long, rectangular paper which they then fed onto the belt of a large drying machine and patiently waited for their paper to re-appear so they could roll, tape, paper punch, and tie a string to make their binoculars. Plenty of Crayola staffers were on hand to help and I was impressed by the hospitality of one young employee in the area who engaged us in conversation and told us he had met a family from Alabama earlier that morning.
Kids color on the clear glass walls.

Some of the other creative fun we enjoyed while on the second floor included trying out unique Crayola products like Color Explosion paper with color-revealing markers, coloring with markers on the clear, glass walls of an underwater-themed area called "Scribble Sea", and dancing around in front of a colorful projector and even some fun house mirrors.
Doodling with glow markers.
Funny what inspires some kids, isn't it?
 The creativity continued on the third floor where kids are invited to draw on the walls with glow-in-the-dark markers and work on another guided craft project. There was also a new mini-shopping area where parents could purchase craft kits to take home.

One of my children's favorite parts of Crayola has always been the "Water Works" area on the third floor, a hands-on educational area where kids can learn about canals. This unique little area was left behind when the National Canal Museum relocated earlier this year.
Driving boats through the canals in the "Water Works" area.

Fourth Floor Art Gallery
Our final stop at Crayola was the fourth floor, a loft area that showcases works of art created by children that offers a quiet place for inspiration and calm after a busy day.

Samples of artwork from the 4th floor gallery.
Planning The Next Trip
All in all, we spent about three hours at The Crayola Experience. The bathrooms were always close by when we needed them and all of them offered changing tables and wheelchair accessible stalls. On this trip, we remembered to bring two quarters and one shiny penny per child so that each of them could purchase a keepsake pressed penny from one of the hand crank machines. Something to note: on a busy day, it could pay off to start on the top floor and work your way down since most people seem to follow the same path through the building. 

McDonald's Express offers a convenient lunch.
An indoor eating area is available for those wishing to bring their lunches from home. Tables and benches are also available nearby outside along the picturesque Centre Square traffic circle along which the building is situated. For those who would prefer to eat inside the Crayola center, a McDonald's Express conveniently offers traditional, kid-friendly favorites on the first floor of the center. A number of other local eateries are within a short walk, as well, and re-entry to Crayola is permitted.

View of Centre Square, downtown Easton from the 4th floor.
Had my children not been so tired (okay, mommy was tired, too) after our visit, I had wanted to stop in at a cute little ice cream shop right next door called The Purple Cow Creamery. Next time I hope we do that and also do some exploring of the surrounding town. The local police station shares some space in the parking garage so that elicited some "oohs" and "ahhs" on our walk back to the car. 

The Crayola Experience is also about two thirds of the way to the Poconos and halfway to New York City for us here in North Penn, which makes it a great add-on to any family roadtrip, as well. The Color Wonder creativity packs we picked up made for a quiet, mess-free drive home and many other great Crayola products are available at the Crayola Gift Shop which is adjacent to the Crayola Experience and features the world's largest crayon weighing in at 1,500 pounds!

For directions, hours, and additional detailed information, visit The Crayola Experience online.

We're looking forward to our next visit and I hope this helps you plan yours!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Discounted Jumpin' Jack's Admission for NPUT Fans!

You don't need me to tell you how scorching hot it is outside. According to right now, "A major heat wave is sweeping across many states east of the Rockies" and relief is days away. Your community pool may offer some relief, but even this native southern Californian thinks it is still just plain too hot to move outside right now!

If you're looking for a way for your kids to have fun running, jumping, and climbing, don't forget that Jumpin' Jacks' is open today until 5:00pm. And... for the whole month of July, North Penn Under Ten fans will receive $1 off per person on weekday admission! All you need to do is tell them that North Penn Under Ten is the greatest website ever and you'll receive your discount. Oh, alright. I'm kidding about that "greatest website ever" thing. Simply mention that you are an NPUT reader or that you appreciate Jumpin' Jack's support of NPUT. Something to that effect will work just fine. ;-)

Stay cool, North Penn!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Your Local Guide to a Fun Fourth (with Fireworks)!

Looking for fun ways to celebrate our nation's independence right here at home? Look no further! We've gathered the info on all the best local parades, fireworks displays and other family fun for the week. If you have any comments to share such as great, low-traffic viewing places for fireworks, be sure to comment below or on our Facebook page.

Start your Independence Day celebration a day early! On July 3rd, take in the fireworks at Sutcliffe Park in Conshohocken (West 9th Street and Freedley Street). The fun begins at 5:30pm with children's activities, food, and fun. Fireworks begin at dusk.

On the fourth, the options are plentiful!

North Wales Borough’s Fourth of July Parade and Picnic will be held on Wednesday with the parade beginning at 11 a.m. at Action Karate (the former First Niagara Bank building) on Main Street to Summit Street to end at Weingartner Park. A picnic in the park will follow afterwards. Enjoy music, games, prizes, food and more.

In Upper Salford... The 24th annual Red, White & Blue parade sponsored by the Upper Salford Citizens Group will line up on Potato Road at 9:15AM and proceed at 10AM down Old Skippack Road to the Upper Salford Firehouse where refreshments will be available.

In new Britain Township... The annual parade begins at 9:30am. The route runs from Towne Center (Route 202/Giant), travels 202 South to 152 North and ends at North Branch Park on Park Avenue. You'll see marching bands, scout troops, antique cars, decorated floats, fire trucks and more! For more information, contact Angela at or at 215-822-1391.

In Skippack Village... The annual parade begins at 11am. A BBQ will be held at Parc Bistro at 3pm. Vendors, crafters, and live music start at 6pm in Palmer Park. Fireworks at dusk in Palmer Park. Parking available off of Heckler Road and Creamery Road.

In Doylestown... From Noon to 5:00pm, you can experience “the good-old days” at the Fonthill Museum's Old-Fashioned 4th of July Celebration in Doylestown. Festivities include a decorated bike parade, a town ball game (19th-century baseball), a watermelon eating contest, free old-time games and live music. Food available. Admission: $4 adults, $2 members, $1 youth (age 5-17) , Free for children 4 and under! For more information, call 215-348-9461 or email:

In Abington... Parade begins at 4pm at the VFW Post 676 (Roslyn Ave.) and ends on Keswick Ave. A $15,000 fireworks display will light up the sky at 9pm at the Abington HS / JHS athletic fields!

In Norristown... Visit Elmwood Zoo on the 4th (10am-5pm) and receive a special admission rate of only $4! Enjoy animal encounters, food, games, moon bounce, giveaways, and much more fun with the family! Outside the zoo, a 4th of July parade and festivities kickoff at 10 a.m. Enjoy a variety of bands, antiques cars, antique trains, local organization groups and more move from Main and DeKalb streets to Elmwood Park on Harding Avenue. Vendors, activities, games, inflatables and live entertainment will continue throughout the day. Fireworks will be set off at dusk. Visit for more info.

Other Fun this Week:

Visit Elmwood Zoo at a discount. On July 1st, Lansdale Borough residents are cordially invited to visit the zoo and enjoy discounted admission and memberships. (North Wales residents are invited to do the same on July 29th.)

In Ambler... The annual Kiwanis Carnival will feature all your favorite rides and food. The carnival at Wissahickon High School will run Tuesday, July 3 through July 7, with fireworks scheduled for Friday, July 6 beginning around 9 p.m. The carnival will be open 6 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday, 6:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Friday, and 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Saturday.

The Guarding of the Liberty Bell Encampment Event will be held Saturday and Sunday beginning Saturday at 10 a.m. at Rising Sun Inn, 898 Allentown Road, Telford. Witness the arrival of the troops as they march into camp with their wagons, horses, and the crated Liberty Bell. You are invited to dine with the troops in the RSI Barn Saturday at 6 p.m. for $15 per person and Sunday at 12 p.m. for $10 per person. All proceeds from the meals benefit local Scouts organizations. For information visit

If you happen to be spending the holiday elsewhere in the Philly metro area, we'd recommend one of these two fireworks listings: 6ABC or

Friday, June 22, 2012

Souderton is the Place to Be Tomorrow!

Do you "love a parade"? How about outdoor festivals with music, games, food, fun, and friendly-faces? Fireworks, anyone? How about a beauty contest where the best beard and best period costume are the ticket to win? Perhaps a bike decorating contest for all ages is more your speed?

Souderton is celebrating its 125th Anniversary this year and tomorrow the celebration will be HUGE!

Yes, yes, I know. Souderton does not fall within the boundaries of the North Penn School District. But, anyone who has been following NPUT for a while knows that, when special events come up that are worth the drive, I make exceptions. Such is the case this weekend. (And, really, Souderton isn't that far!)

What originally drew my attention to these festivities is the Chestnut Street Playground Community Block Party that is the crown jewel in a weekend-long celebration. 
You may remember the recent post about the "New Special Needs Accessible Playground in the Works" which will be a wonderful place for many so families in the greater Bucks-Mont region.
Here is a quick rundown of events for tomorrow:

The Bike Decorating Contest starts at 10AM. The registration and judging will be at the Univest Plaza located at Main & Broad Streets.

Beginning at 11AM, the 125th Anniversary Parade will be staging at Grace Bible Church on Main Street. The parade will proceed down Main Street to East Broad Street and finish at School Lane.

Best of all, the Chestnut Street Playground Community Block Party starts at 11AM! The fun will be located at Wile Avenue & West Chestnut Street. North Penn Under Ten is pleased to be a participant in the Block Party which is raising funds for the Chestnut Street Playground Project.

The Block party will feature 100 vendors with food, carnival games, and giveaways. Plus, a dunk tank, moon bounces, DJ, live band, fire truck rides, face painting, fire juggler (woah!), and more!

Bring your appetite and enjoy pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers, french fries, water ice, funnel cakes, BBQ pulled pork, "sausage grillers" from Leidys, Rita's water ice, Kona shaved ice, Coldstone Creamery ice cream, baked goods table, ice tea, chocolate milk and lemonade from Lehigh Valley Dairy, root beer floats, and smoothies!

If all that isn't enough for you, return to Souderton Sunday night for Concert Sundaes in the Park at 7PM in the Souderton Community Park for a fantastic firework display following the Concert Sundaes performance by The John Hoey Swing Band.

Hope to see you tomorrow!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Register Now: Mad Science for Preschoolers, Boxing for Grade Schoolers & Much, Much More!

There are a TON of great camps, classes and other programs available to kids in the North Penn area. Don't believe me? Check out the "Programs" tab at The "Healthy Body" tab alone lists more than a dozen places where kids can learn and practice sports from lacrosse to fencing to wrestling and even boxing (ages 8 to 14)! Coming soon, the "Healthy Spirit" tab will include a listing of Vacation Bible Schools. (Have one to add, please email me.)

But, one class you can find under the "Healthy Minds" tab deserves special mention. Registration is now open for a Mad Science class for preschoolers through Hatfield Township. This unique and fun-filled program is also a great bargain at three 45-minute classes, once per week for only $36! Your budding scientist can enjoy hands-on experiences with polymers, stellar space and the physics of water in the air conditioned comfort of the Hatfield Township Municipal Building Community Room. Parks and Recreation Director, Nancy Stock says, "It’s also appealing to the guardians bringing their young ones to class, judging from input our first two years of hosting it." Here is a short-cut to the "Programs" tab so you can find more information on this any many other great township-sponsored programs.

Guest Post: To Move or Not to Move?

To Move or Not to Move?

That certainly is the question for most young and growing families. How much space is enough? What are the major differences in prospective school districts? Do we move before the baby comes or wait until the kids are older? For most of us, these are but some of the questions we ask when considering a move for our young families.

In my real estate practice, I have had the opportunity to work with many families that pondered these same questions. I’ve had many families opt to move and a few who have decided to stay put. Many of my discussions with families have brought to light useful information – so let’s take a look at some of the  motivating factors.

To Move...

We asked a few simple questions to previous clients about what made them make the move.

What was the biggest factor in choosing your new home?
For nearly every family, more space was the most common answer given with better school districts a close second. One buyer, Wendy from Harleysville, said, "We felt very strongly about being in a neighborhood (preferably a cul-de-sac) ... we felt this would be more kid-friendly".

Did you talk to your child/children about the move? How was it taken and how was it conveyed?
With the exception of newborns and toddlers, every family found a way to include their child in the process and had great ideas to make the move smoother for the kids. Some ideas included letting a child pick his/her bedroom, new toys to celebrate the move, keeping paint colors the same as current bedrooms or living spaces and making sure to schedule play dates with friends from old neighborhoods. Most parents said they sat their children down at some point to say that they were buying a new house. Those conversations focused on the positives; new house, new school, bigger bedroom, finished basement, bigger backyard, etc.

If children were not in the equation, would you have moved?
If so, how would your decision-making process be different? This question brought a wide range of responses. Most parents dreamed of the days before kids and all of the free time they once wasted away. When the daydreams ended, a majority of buyers said they still would have moved. The couples that would have moved with or without having kids mostly said they would have focused on different things. A few were very forthcoming in stating they probably would have stretched more financially to get everything they wanted in a home.

Not to Move...

You already have children or are expecting, why did you stay put?
Nearly every couple came to the same conclusion here, finances. Some didn't want to extend themselves with a new baby or one on the way. Others wanted to really grow capital and wait until their children were closer to school age.

Now that the new baby is here are you happy you chose to stay put?
Most families mentioned they are very happy but acknowledged they will soon need more space.

Have you decided to use money you saved for a down payment for something other than purchasing a home?
Some from this group said yes. Because they had considered moving and were saving, some families used those funds to keep one parent home with the kids for a longer period of time. One family made a lot of improvements to their home instead. Most stated they continued saving to have more flexibility when it comes time to move.

Most of you have probably considered making a move or will need to as your family grows. It would be great to hear some input from others that have crossed that bridge and what factors led to your decisions. Feel free to provide comments or feedback about your experiences. We (North Penn Under Ten and I) would also like to know what other topics you may be interested in hearing about.

Bob Kelley is a licensed Realtor and has been serving the North Penn area for eight years. If you are interested in his services or a consultation, please contact Bob directly at or 215-855-8424 x139. You can always view updated listings at

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Local Summer Reading Incentives!

Looking for ways to motivate a reluctant reader or reward a little bookworm? Several local libraries and stores can help!

Lansdale Library: Summer Reading Program offers prizes for books read between June 18th and August 17th. Register on-line!

North Wales Library: Each Wednesday from June 27th through August 29th will be a special event day at the library. Visit the library to earn special reading awards each week.

Indian Valley Public Library: Compete against the librarians - who will read more, the kids who visit the library or the adults who work there? Sign-up on-line and log your reading now!

Wissahickon Valley Public Library (Blue Bell & Ambler): Register on-line and log your reading time to win prizes. Special library events throughout the summer.

Horsham Township Library: Register in person and visit the library often for special events throughout the summer, as well!

TD Bank: Read 10 books, earn $10! (Must have or open an account.)

Barnes & Noble: Read 8 books, get one free!

HEB (mail-in): Read 10 books, get a free t-shirt. (Don't want a free t-shirt? Donate it!)

Pottery Barn (Kind of Prussia): Now through August 22nd, when a child 10 or under completes one of Pottery Barn's reading lists they will receive a free book.

Also, don't forget that some school libraries in the North Penn district will be open this summer, as well.

Make a special trip to a new library you've never been to before!

Happy Summer Reading to all!

NPSD 2012 Summer Library Program Starts Next Week!

Looking for something fun to do with your kids this summer to help stave off that dreaded "summer brain drain"?

Well, some North Penn elementary school libraries are offering exactly that!

This summer, the libraries at Gwynedd Square and Hatfield elementary schools will be open to students on select days during June and July.

All current North Penn elementary students and their family members are welcome to visit the libraries on the scheduled days/times. Students should bring their special summer library cards, which were distributed at the end of the school year. (Misplaced it? No worries. You can also sign-up when you arrive.)

Incoming kindergarteners and other younger children may have received one at New Family Orientation or their school's Open House. If not, they may obtain one at their first visit to the library. What a great way to squelch new school anxiety by forming positive thoughts about all the fun elementary school will have to offer!

Homeschoolers within the district are also eligible to participate and can either obtain a library card by visiting the NPSD District Office or at their first visit to the library.

Additionally, anyone may visit any school library regardless of which school they attend (or will attend).

Operating hours, addresses, and other specifics as provided by the NPSD summer library program webpage are as follows: 

Gwynedd Square Elementary School  
1641 Supplee Road, Lansdale, PA 19446   
Tuesdays, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
June 26th, July 3rd, July 10th, July 17th, and July 24th

Hatfield Elementary School
1701 Fairgrounds Road, Hatfield, PA 19440
Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
June 28th, July 5th, July 12th, July 19th, and July 26th

Students and adults interested in volunteering in North Penn School District’s Summer Library Program may contact Stacey Morettini at 215-853-1047. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Meet the North Wales MOMS Club This Wednesday!

Are you...
a part-time stay-at-home mom? 
a full-time stay-at-home mom?
a part-time work-at-home mom?
a full-time work-at-home mom?
a summertime at-home mom?
a temporarily at-home mom?

There are so many options for parents today and, most of the time, it seems like our generation has it made in terms of all of the choices we have. Other times, it feels like no one else can understand our particular situation and being an at-home parent can be a bit lonely...or frustrating. Or really fun, but could be more fun if shared with someone else! You get the idea (and you've already heard me ramble about what my own moms' group means to me)!

If you live in North Wales and are wondering whether the MOMS Club might be fun for you, here's an event you won't want to miss:

This Wednesday morning, join the North Wales MOMS Club at 9:30am at Windlestrae Park (parks map). Meet other local moms and learn about the club. As always, children are welcome. No RSVP is necessary. Just come and enjoy a nice morning at the park with other local moms.

Answering Kid's Tough Spiritual Questions

You know those questions your kids ask you that really stump you? Not the toughies like "Why is the sky blue?" or "How does electricity work?" that a quick Google search can bail you out of. But the ones that really make you struggle, scratch your head and hope inspiration will strike quickly so you can manage to string some words together that will make sense and actually help your child to better understand and grow in our world.

I'm thinking of the ones like "Why does [stranger in grocery store] have [any sort of difference]?" or "Why did [insert bad thing here] have to happen to [insert loved one here]?".

If your child has stumped you with any of these questions and you're looking for some advice, you may be interested in this:

Pastor Gary Knerr of Christ United Methodist Church in Lansdale, who happens to be a father of two, will be giving a sermon series beginning July 8th at both the 8:30 and 10:45 AM services that addresses these types of questions and offers advice on how to address them.

If you have questions of your own to add, or want to learn more, you may email Pastor Knerr directly or call the church office at 215.855.1643. Or, simply stop in. The sermon series will run several weeks depending up on how many questions are submitted.


Also... North Penn Under Ten is currently compiling a list of Vacation Bible Schools in our area that have openings still available. Please email us with the dates and location of any VBS programs and they will be added to the list on the NPUT website under "Programs", "Healthy Spirit". Thank you!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Free Kindergarten Go-Kart Rally at Arnold's

Wow. Where was this when I was a kindergartener? How fun!  

Parents of 5 and 6 year olds... there's still time to register your child for Arnold's Family Fun Center's first-ever Kindergarten Kart Rally on Friday, June 22. It's FREE to register and FREE to participate!

Local Paper Names Jumpin' Jack's Area's Best Party Place

Well, we've always known it was an outstanding local attraction, but The Reporter has just named Jumpin' Jack's Inflatable Playland and Party Center the area's Best Birthday Party Place. The honor comes just as Jumpin' Jack's staff is celebrating their first year of operation. Pretty impressive!

 Perhaps it is thanks to special programming such as the new Sensory Bounce offered for children with sensory needs, including autism, sensitivity to lights and loud/sudden noises or a sensory processing disorder held on the second Thursday of each month from 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m.! (Yes, that includes tonight!)

Or perhaps it is due to the little things that only a manager who is also a parent can properly prioritize such as cleanliness, a snack bar with healthy choices, and a staff that is both personable and mature.

Congratulations, Jumpin' Jack's! Thank you for the joy and memories you have already created for the North Penn community in this first year. We hope that you will be a part of our children's lives for many years to come!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Photos and Videos of Saturday's NPUT Birthday Bash!

"I am NPUT". Are you?
Over two hundred parents and children gathered at the Towamencin Fire Hall this past Saturday to help North Penn Under Ten celebrate its second birthday and to meet with local providers of party services.

Each family received a sturdy, reusable "goody" bag filled with coupons, small toys and other trinkets, as well as a wealth of information useful to families with young children. Flyers and brochures from area parents' support organizations, birthday party venues, and even information on summer camps and year-round programs filled the bags. Each individual, both young and young at heart, was also given a raffle ticket upon entering the hall. Hundreds of dollars worth of prizes were awarded that day, divvied up between three lucky families who had the good fortune of holding the right raffle tickets. Two winners had traveled from Perkasie and Norristown to attend the fair and were sure they glad they did!

Card making with The Giving Tree Families.
The Giving Tree Families brought along supplies and helped children make birthday cards that will be delivered to local area nursing homes.

Zeigler's Beverage Company was on-hand with samples of several of its delicious products, as well as coloring pages featuring the beloved mascot, Zig.

Story time with Harleysville Books.
Speaking of Zig, the apple man himself made an appearance, as did Jack the kangaroo from Jumpin' Jack's Inflatable Playland and Party Center. Corduroy the bear accompanied Harleysville Books owner, Shelly Plumb, for the bookstore-sponsored story time. Even Arnold's Family Fun Center unveiled a table-top sized plush model of their brand-new, never-before-seen mascot, Arnie the Alligator.

The highlight for onlookers and mascots alike was surely during the Milestones in Music playtime when Zig and Jack were seen dancing along with Miss Judy and friends. Here's a clip of the two as they ham it up!

Wondergy Founder, Ken Fink.
Wondergy engages the crowd.
Mid-way through the morning, Wondergy Science Edutainment took the stage and wowed the children (and parents!) in attendance with chemistry lessons so fun and visually impressive that nearly all of the children from age three years on up to middle-school age stayed entranced for the entire hour-long show! Did they even realize the valuable lessons they were learning when they watched and shouted out their answers about balloons shrinking and expanding, liquid nitrogen appearing to...disappear? Who knows and, as a parent myself, who cares! The passion, knowledge and charisma exhibited by founder, Ken Fink, and the enthusiastic reaction of the children were awe-inspiring. It was a beautiful thing to see children so excited and enthralled by such a worthwhile show (click here for a video clip).

Kona Ice of Schwenksville
Kona Ice of Schwenksville arrived with the cleanest, newest frozen novelties truck anyone had ever seen just as the day was starting to heat up. Owner Pat Hoffman graciously gave free cups of shaved ice that grateful children and adults were able to flavor any way they liked.

Gymboree Play & Music
Once we were all refreshed, it was time to boogie with Gymboree Play and Music of Montgomeryville (see the video here).

Motivation Music Center
As the morning came to a close, a live performance by Motivation Music Teacher, Dave Cunningham, whose vocal and acoustic guitar performance was a hit with children and parents alike. Several children joined in the fun, keeping the beat with small shakers.

Stuff the Bus Donations
As with any North Penn Under Ten sponsored event, attendees were encouraged to bring along an item to donate to a particular non-profit endeavor. This time the recipient of NPUT readers' generosity was the North Penn United Way. Visitors brought pencils, erasers, books, notebooks and 3-ring binders to help kick-off the 2012 Stuff the Bus campaign.

More photos are available on the North Penn Under Ten Facebook page.

It will be seven months before NPUT holds another event of its own. The 2nd Annual Early Learning Expo (formerly the Preschool Expo) will take place on Saturday, January 5, 2013. In the meantime, families can find plenty of local resources and an abundance of fun at!

Friday, June 8, 2012

A Sneak Peek at Tomorrow's Birthday Bash Fun!

Wondering what to expect tomorrow at the Birthday Bash & Party Expo? Have all those photos I posted on Facebook today intrigued you? :)

Here's the list of exhibitors, door prizes, refreshments and fun you've been waiting for!

(Why a list? Because there is so much planned for tomorrow that, if I rattled on in my usual manner, this post would put you to sleep!)

See you soon!!!

Schedule of Events:

Music and Movement Playtime with Milestones in Music at 10:10, 11:10, and 12:30.
Storytime with Harleysville Books at 10:30.
Door prizes awarded at 10:50 and 12:50.
Playtime with Gymboree Play & Music at 12:55.
Live Music (let's dance!) from the Motivation Music Center from 1:20 to 2:00.

Door prizes include: 
  • Gift Certificates toward parties with My Little Cupcake, Wondergy Science Eduatainment, and Jumpin' Jack's Inflatable Playland and Party Center,
  • A case of fresh assorted half-gallon juices from Zeigler's Beverage Company,
  • Gift Certificates toward playtime or parties with BounceU and Arnold's Family Fun Center,
  • A FREE party package from Kona Ice of Schwenksville!

Ongoing Fun:

Face Painting by Michelle
Card Making for Local Seniors with The Giving Tree
Coloring Time with Zeigler's Beverage Company
Stuff the Bus Collection for the North Penn United Way (Got school supplies? Bring 'em!)

Visit with Our Exhibitors:

Face Painting by Michelle

Enjoy Some Refreshments:

Beverages by Zeigler’s Beverage Company
Fresh Popcorn from Good Times Rental
Free Flavor-Your-Own Shaved Ice from Kona Ice of Schwenksville from 1 - 2pm

Plus, if you're one of the first 200 families to arrive, you'll receive a goody bag (sturdy, reusable shopping bag to be accurate) filled with coupons, prizes and additional information on local party service providers and venues!

We'll see you tomorrow at Towamencin Fire Hall from 10am to 2pm!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Up Your Odds of Winning a Prize at the Birthday Bash While Helping Local Children!

North Penn Under Ten has received some AWESOME prizes that will be randomly awarded to some lucky families at this Saturday's Birthday Bash. In the coming days, you'll get some sneak peeks at them.

But, first... let's talk about the good that will come out of Saturday's event. Not only will you be able to gather information and have a really fun time, but you will also have a chance to help out local children, as well, because we'll be holding a collection for the North Penn United Way's Stuff the Bus campaign!

Consider it a birthday present for North Penn...Under Ten because your donation will help youth, many of which are under ten, here in North Penn to get a good start on the upcoming school year! (Clever, eh?)

So, take a look around your house or pop into the store between now and the Bash and bring in some of the following new items: Backpacks, Folders, Pack of Pencils and Erasers, 3 Ring Binders, Glue Sticks, Box or Two of Tissues, Small Pencil/Supply Box or Pouch, Colored Pencils and/or Crayons, Filler Paper, Scissors, Spiral Notebooks, or children's books.

For every item you donate, you'll receive an extra raffle ticket which means an extra chance to win one of the fabulous prizes! For every backpack you donate, you'll receive five extra tickets!!

Now, go gather up those items. We'll see you Saturday!!